Unhooked Railey

If you already master the hooked railey, then you might wanna go a bit more crazy and try the unhooked railey which basically is the same trick as the hooked railey, just one thing differ, guess what… =P
Anyway, to perform the unhooked railey, just follow these steps:
- Ride with speed and power.
- Make sure that your kite is tuned for unhooking, so that it does not back stall.
- Keep your kite at 45 degrees and your hands positioned in the middle of the bar.
- Unhook and keep your elbows bent.
- Edge hard and leap out off the water, try to throw your feet away from you, behind you and up at the sky.
- Once you are extending, then you can let your arms stretch out. When you feel yourself coming back pull your legs back underneath you.
- Spot your landing, bend your knees and point your board downwind.
Tips! Practice riding unhooked before you try to make unhooked tricks. Trim your kite for unhooking.